Friday 25 October 2013

and yet another kind of blue :-)

 photo blue1_zpsc27c9079.jpg

 photo blue2_zpsfd4b85d2.jpg

 photo blue3_zps5122c397.jpg



  1. i seem to never tire of this blue!!! :-)

  2. and it is good you never tire of it. ;-)
    this mug or vase or pint seems the torso of a blue (blooded) woman unleashing her beauty in front of all those strangers behind the open windows.

    1. oh yes, you saw the woman, yes :-)
      (i hadn't imagined her like this, but now she is there, in front of me, born through your vision)

  3. hi my beautiful friend how extravagantly beautiful,yes this blue is intoxicating in its cleansing way of purification with amnesia.brilliant blue petals fall from the flower of life under that first morning of glorious blue.
    sending you sparkling brilliant blue kisses.

    1. these are old photos, from my old appartment, i happened to stumble upon them and became nostalgic :-)
      so it is strange and beautiful that you talk about memory here...

      yes, those kisses :-)

  4. Miles Davis, Kind of Blue, 1959.

  5. How's that for inter-textual, or inter-aural. You see blue, someone hears it.

    1. i am listening to it now - and indeed, one should add music to that Rimbaud-piece:

      A noir, E blanc, I rouge, U vert, O bleu : voyelles,
      Je dirai quelque jour vos naissances latentes :

  6. There is a particular [sic] name for this blue. Can you remind me? (-:

  7. and, this has to represent the bluest horizon of my mind,with exactly the right kind of forgetting and suppression and elevation.I can't believe I said that haha.

  8. niciodata nu ne-am putea satura de ALBASTRU! cum,doar este atat de mult,pentru toti:)

    dar foarte rar atat de diafan ca aici, sugerand o potiune pe care o visam prin lucrurile pe care le atingem,pe care le vrem si de care ne izbim uneori, ca miscati doar de dragostea noastra atat de adanca pentru albastru.
    mi se pare,privind aceste imagini,ca totul in jurul nostru este-sau,cel putin,poate deveni extrem de usor,printr- o suflare- de alabastru
