Tuesday, 19 May 2015

that quiet moment of silence before the bursting open of a world

 photo win1_zpsgfpjrqyz.jpg



  1. wonderful series you've got going here...

    1. it's not exactly a series as it's two separate women, but thematically yes, it will become a longer series of women in front of windows/curtains as i have many such instances now :-)
      glad you enjoy it :-)

  2. how often one chooses to live that quiet moment before a window, where we can look out into the world, perhaps into the new world, the future, when merely a small shift in the light is enough to show us our own face, already there ...


  3. ma uit la spatele ei si la parul ei. imi imaginez ca isi aranjase chipul pentru lumina si ca parul pastra in el intimitatea a ceea ce era inauntru. ca si cand nu ti-ar trebui decat putina de tot rigoare pentru a face fata lumii. parul inchide in el somnul nostru, cu tot ce este al lui: simplitatea rafinata, cea care a trecut prin tot. cea care trebuie sa desfaca atele albe ale unui kimono nou:) este lucrul cel mai important-nu pregatirea,nu ceea ce iese de acolo; tandretea dinauntrul ferestrelor,unde este lumina, umbra sau penumbra-si doar atat,o singura stare intermediara dar care duce cu sine totul.

  4. "women in front of windows"

    sounds interesting.

  5. those are beautiful moments but our universes are always in bloom.
    sending you summer sunbeam kisses

  6. si cei putin stiu de ce este astfel.
    da, da, the bursting of a new world.
