Monday, 1 April 2013

behind the curtain, red


  1. oh,dragele de ele,draga de tine...mi se pare,aici,ca seamana cu niste cuvinte care se apropie tot mai mult:)
    stii,combinatia dintre rosu,peste acea draperie de nisip da exact nuanta draperiilor mele de aici,o sa vezi,desi le stii,le aveam eu puse altundeva,dar sunt sigura ca or sa te minuneze:)poate vor fi o noua fila,ma gandesc:)

    1. abia aştept să le văd, m-am tot minunat întrebându-mă despre ele, citind jurnalul :-)

  2. It worked... but i must have lost my ability to discern color along the way (and that glass is so hard, i must have been moving at the speed of sound (or better) when it was suddenly on me)(it's a messy entrance, i know).

    1. it worked!!! i was worried for a moment (no, that's a lie :-)

      and you must have really lost that ability if you didn't comment on the impossibly seductive red of my iresine :-) wait, i will give it another try, in the next post!

  3. the bewitching red dream leaves nothing to be if all the wonder of the universe blossoms there behind the revealing curtain.
    again good luck on your beautiful new blog. may you explore many more soul visions through extravagantly beautiful windows of the soul.
    (like you always do smiles and kisses).

    1. thank you, dear Madeleine!

      (this is the view in my working room, if i turn my head to the right when i sit at the computer, not even 30 cm away, this curtain - but other flowers now :-)
