Friday, 16 August 2013

old window, yet the light in the curtains is still the same



  1. not only is this light and window and flower:) it is a moment in someone's life, a page or even partial page in a story. soon a leaf will drop and a page will turn, or simply - night will come.

    a gentle touch, this photograph is. i want to know this story.


  2. hi my friend, so delicate and beautiful the textile of the mind and yet the audacity to draw the curtain of the day.,you are so wonderful working with textiles.
    sunbeam kisses through the window of the soul.

    1. textiles are magical, i adore them :-)

      kisses back, dear madeleine!

  3. da,iar tu stii iubirea mea vintage:)

    o femeie isi plimba mainile albastre peste fotografiile vechi,si recunoaste lalelele cele rasfirate in lumina apusului,si atunci era fel-fiindca floarea inghitise toata lumina vietii si se stinsese,iar soarele doar se insinua; si ea simte timpul oprit, ca e cald si tacere continua in felul in care florile se usuca; cel putin eu asa cred:)
