Thursday, 6 March 2014

Danube window (2)



  1. On the cherry-blossom scented day Johann penned An der schönen blauen Donau, he must have thought that 'blauen' sounded better than the 'gray with only a whisper of blue' Donau, a gray epitomized by the swatch of river depicted, lovingly, in this photograph. Ironically, this isn't even the Danube; it's some rivulet in Gibraltar--the unique architecture gives it away. And, at the very least one can not, in good conscience, proclaim that the blue on display is the Prussian blue of a jelly fish electrifying a pinkish-white beach with an iridescent display of color--the sort of color that would help to immortalize a dodgy waltz (dodgy by the composers own admission).

    1. i think this is the kind of mystery which surrounds the Black Sea as well ( i must post photos with its lovely greenish waters :-)
      or maybe it was just the fog that day. or maybe Johann imagined that the jolly austrian people would be suckers for blue, but not gray :-P

  2. if my heart were a house, such would be the rooflines.
    i smile and thank you.

  3. It looks bleak without the veil (as the Taleban are wont to say).

    1. everything looks better with a veil, as the unveiled face is bound to disappoint after all those flights of imagination :-)

  4. si cum,aici,totul pare sa se fi lamurit:) ma gandesc la aceasta: ce minune si dar gratuit, sa ai langa tine o apa,o apa generoasa, care sa iti ofere in fiecare clipa iluzia plutirii, a oglindei,a cristalului-sau nu este o iluzie?...

    1. da, cred ca am fi vindecate de multe daca am putea sta langa o asemenea apa generoasa...
