Wednesday, 4 June 2014

ode to a modern urn (3)

 photo urn1_zpsb8a768cd.jpg

 photo urn_6_zps09dcae4d.jpg

 photo urn3_zps3a6c8787.jpg



  1. ce firesc s-au suprapus aceste universuri acolo,somptuosul, sau poate toamna, langa acea contemplatie in alb, abia ivita pe lume. asa dor sa ma afund in acea canapea moale,si frunzele sa curga peste mine ca paginile unei carti pe care as intrerupe-o din cand in cand, pentru ca niciodata nu ma hotarasc: fictiunea sau viata e mai puternica?...
    nu imi pot pune insa mult timp intrebari,in mijlocul acestei linisti, care apare treptat, confundandu-se, cel putin pentru mine,cu o dulce somnolenta :)

  2. Is the "Sorry. This person moved or deleted this image" a Marcel Duchamp like objet de curiosité, forcing the viewer to consider what is and isn't art? Or is it just a housekeeping notification from Photobucket?

  3. Lovely play of light and patterns. And a paradox : an empty modern urn among this lushness of tender flowery prints.
    It saddens me a bit. Perhaps for no reason.

    1. i wouldn't have thought of it from this angle, but now i see why it might sadden us...

