Monday, 3 November 2014

ancient light

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Views from the ancient Roman baths with thermal water in the Herculane spa, Romania
(they have not been renovated, being left in ruins, a terrible waste which makes me and many others very sad)



  1. YES, very sad. still...
    cum patrunde lumina in acele spatii, ale ei si ale umbrei , ale visurilor care strapung zidurile si ne fac asezamintele supuse unei indicibile miscari ale parerilor pe care le avem despre ce inseamna inauntre,in afara sau piatra.

    (ieri, cand veneam spre casa, am vazut pe o strada o casa monumentala care semana cu acestea; m-am gandit,atunci,la tacticile de supravietuirea ale albului, la michelangelo, care insotea, el insusi, transporturile de marmura care au devenit apoi david si piete)

  2. hi Roxana, yes I left a comment here a while back and I lost it because I wasn't signed in.
    thankyou for this masterpiece of light and dark shadows of the past unified with the present so that our vision is translucent.
    It would be wonderful to actually bathe in these baths it would be like bathing in the past.
    yes I agree with you it is a waste of time travelling architecture ha ha just to leave them stand by.when I was in Rome I attended an opera theatre that was at one time an ancient roman bath.
    yes there many possibilities.
    HUGS have a gorgeous day.
    ps perhaps you could start a movement to help reconstruct this past.
