Wednesday, 10 July 2013

curtain moods (9)

series by Cristina and me



  1. eyes closed to dream inward that body and spirit are one, when she opens her eyes will she be able to bear the separation, or will she melt weeping into this light?

    (the way the illuminated waves of the curtain remember the dark waves of her hair is worth everything :-)


  2. oh this is sooooooooooooooooo beautiful.the drops of liquid holy light sprinkled over her like a celestial blessing.

    embrassing you in divine light.

  3. ah this is sooooooooooo beautiful Roxana- it is as if she is sprinkled with drops of celestial liquid light as a blessing.

    blessings to you my friend.

  4. Those petals, falling; tears
    In a river that is no river.

    I say no more. That is, speechless.

  5. Thank God she's come out of the shower!

  6. cum se impaca totul in aceasta imagine; faldurile perdelei duc spre acel izvor din care se spune ca pleaca toate gandurile si mangaierile de floare...vad aceasta intalnire a lor intr-un punct de intuneric ca o intalnire a memoriei desavarsite.

    si da,atat de frumoasa,asa cum stiu eu:)

    1. :-)

      o să vezi, în imaginea următoare, cum se şterge chipul ei, dizolvându-se în ceea ce devine, cum spui tu, memoria desăvârşită...
