Thursday, 25 July 2013

imaginary window



  1. imi era dor de Ferestre:) cu adevarat dor, asteptam sa apara o fereastra,si in ea sa uit de mine,de tot,la fel cum exista oameni care se gandesc la romanele cu vampiri pentru a uita,o clipa,de faptul ca sunt aici:)
    si ma simt cu adevarat impacata si bogata- sunt aceste ferestre,poate reale,poate doar imaginate,dar ce conteaza ( stii teoria mea despre imaginatie, ca nu este ceva separat de realitatea miscatoare,ci doar o putere de a te concentra), ritmul lor este tacut,este cu valuri de ceata si adastare,si nu exista ceva care sa intrerupa aceasta cadenta a albului in vara care tine in mana un soare cu nimic mai puternic.
    ce liniste...

    1. da, real-ireala (asa cum este o reflectie :-) voiam sa fotografiez ceva afara, in gradina, de pe balcon, ploaia, de fapt, cand m-am trezit cu fereastra plutind in fata mea, nu stiu cum se reflecta, si de ce, m-a captivat total, nu-mi venea sa cred. nu as fi vazut-o cu ochii liberi, daca nu m-as fi uitat prin aparat :-)

  2. hi my friend, ah another masterpeice.I love the tension here by cutting off the frame and angling the image-and covering the window in a obscure snow-like veil- my dream is that it is like a winter window something that we have created through frosted dreams and frozen hearts melting enough to become sentient through the vision. yes as you suggesed an imaginary window.

    it does remind me of a photo in my father's wartime collection, as I am finishing his story for family and friends.the entire ship is covered in salt water ice and the name of the ship traced in ice on a quebec iceland run.and for him it is so long ago that he doesnt recall this icefrosted image, he has closed the window of his mind on this.

    well anyway getting back to summer, sending you sunbeam kisses.♥

    1. oh, that is a wonderful detail about your father!!! will be transforming this memory into a story?

      it is actually rain,summer rain, i have no idea why it came out like snow! :-)

      sunny kisses, indeed!

    2. thanks♥.
      no but I am writing his entire ww2 experience in a rather sketchy way but yes it could be volumes and volumes based on all the volumes of memory.

      so my dream here is melting into summer rain well that is ok with me!
