Wednesday, 26 February 2014

morning's frail geometries

 photo dawn1_zpsb8914905.jpg

 photo dawn2_zpscb93ef4e.jpg



  1. do words still exist?

    i find myself unable to communicate)))

    the lines of the curtains, her arm, the darkness (and then fringe) of her hair, the light ... was someone saying something? was there instruction?


  2. i tell james to look as i am looking
    and i gasp (again)

    the second photograph:
    ~ the rounded softness of her cheek
    ~ the rounded softness of her breast

    the world makes such things happen? (!)

    1. i never stop wondering how it is possible that such things happen, either :-)
      i don't think there was instruction, though she knew, of course, i was there with my camera.

      the lines seem so frail, don't they - but then compared to her body, which seems on the point of breaking in its curve, somehow, they appear stronger - such frailty in this body, and yet what resilience...

    2. i smile. i read your response and then reread my comment. i said, was someone saying something? was there instruction? and of course you thought i was asking you this but really, full of wonder, i was asking this of the world, was asking this of depth and complexity of form and happenstance. i know you as a very fine photographer, inspired and inspiring, but i would not think of you creating a scene, only capturing it or revealing it, as you did here. and this is what is so astounding - the revelation of mystery and grace in the world))


  3. o,ce frumoasa este, ea si totul...(r?)
    nu stiu ce ma asaza in mine mai mult: tacerea ei fragila,timiditatea,sau liniile obrajilor si ale sanilor, coastele care i se vad modeland pielea, este ca o mare clipa intre copilarie si descoperirea unei dimineti in care esti atat de frumoasa,atat de femeie, pregatita pentru un drum drept si,in acelasi timp,cum sunt florile celeilalte perdele, avand langa tine toate diminetile in care purtai camasute naive...
    cred ca gasesc emotia care ma copleseste,insa nu cred ca o pot numi: sunt acele clipe visate de mine indelung: sa ma descopar,intr-o zi, perfect libera in orice gest as face, frumoasa dincolo de orice vis si sa ma misc incet,incet,cu gandul doar la perdele si soare...minunata:)

    1. da, r :-)
      ce frumos ai scris, parca este un fragment dintr-un roman :-)
      zambesc... ma uit pe geam, si vad ceea ce voi pune in postarea urmatoare, sa te uiti cu mine...

  4. The straight lines, the circles...why does it feel like you've gone off on a tangent?

    [She said]:

    'I will touch you once
    And it will only be in passing
    No use calling me back
    No use reminding
    You will have plenty of time
    To rehearse and remember
    This moment,
    To convince yourself
    We'll never part.'

    or maybe the circle breaks, runs in parallel, side by side, just to keep up...

    'Though nothing you say
    Could be news to the other,
    You’ve carried on like this
    From the very start.'

    1. wow, you are reading Guillevic, how come? (i had to google this :-)
      i find this an extremely beautiful connection to those photos, and i thank you for this.

    2. no, not reading's just that i had read a few poems once and had to dig deep in my memory to retrieve some appropriate words. no, actually, thinking of it, the curves and the lines brought me to that place in my memory in a flash (boy, do I need therapy or what! :-))

      In any case, I was slightly sad at the fact that this woman had to keep her arm up like that for so long, frozen in that pose like some sort of fantastic Syrian ascetic.

    3. you have a funny image about what photographing means :-) how do you know it was "so long" and not just the 10th of a second? :-)
      i mean, there is studio photogrophy which would involve what you mean, that kind of mise-en-scene and keeping the subject frozen in a "pose", but there is also just pressing the button... and revealing what your eyes couldn't even catch in real life, because it would pass too quickly...

    4. Er...I meant the woman in the picture...who will now always have her arm raised.

    5. oh i see! i was thinking along the "mise-en-scene" line, as i was discussing this with erin. but no, seen from this perspective, indeed, _any_ photo is tinged with sadness, this applies to photography in its entirety. and i can understand those who hate it, Thomas Bernhard (at least the story-teller in his novel Extinction), among others (and for many more reasons than this one).

  5. All of a sudden I feel slightly envious of those two old tramps outside your window!

    1. it took me a while to make sense of this enigmatic comment, after pondering on the adverb "slightly", on the meaning of "envious" here :-) but then i realized it was an oblique statement for the bridge. i am slow :-)

  6. this is beautiful- the fragility of the geometry of the naked soul.

    1. an embrace to you as well, dear Madeleine! :-)

  7. Slow, yes, but not without your charms!

