Friday, 7 February 2014

windows as paintings and detail reveries



  1. For those in doubt, the stone on the ledge of the first window is solid proof that the photo is not upside down, as gravity does not allow, irrespective of whether or not the literary police deem the light to be crepuscular, for rocks to remain sedentary under certain conditions (being upended, for instance, but any upheaval will do).

    1. you saw the stone!!! :-) and crepuscular haha - the light here was all the contrary, auroral, if this word exists (it should! :-)

  2. oh, the house just wanted to peek outside again, so it scraped bits of the paint off, right? i smile.
    love the whitewashed walls and square-pane windows. they do look like paintings.

    1. yes!!! :-) it is a deserted house, but why would one paint the windows white? i am still puzzled :-)

  3. draga, dar de ce nu apare comentariul meu?... incep sa cred prostii,daca tin bine minte,si atunci mi-a disparut,si apoi am scris din nou,si din mai este si printre pereferatele mele:) cat m-am gandit in aceste zile la aceasta casuta,la aceste ferestre,la cat de bine trebui sa fie acolo,in spatele lor, imi aminteste si de bunicii care imi coceau castane,si de cartofii copti din soba lor varuita, cat de iubita ma simteam,credeam ca asa va fi mereu
    -iar acum,aici,este la fel:)
