Friday, 4 April 2014

the sparkling white of spring reveries



  1. The dappled shade is jealous of the all-too-real blossoms.

    The shade's parents are the blossoming tree and the sun, yet it prefers to tell that it is an orphan. Painterly deities (form, color, shade) are allowed to have certain conceits...

    1. oh, just a few details, here and there, and your mind already creates a full greek tragedy out of it :-) the untold stories in the the dappled shade of old houses...

  2. da,asa este, reveria in alb,mai puternica chiar decat orice reverie a vinului intunecat si al bistrourilor penumbrice...
    primavara este,acum,doar ATAT. voi incerca sa ma trezesc maine cu aceasta imagine,dincolo de orice tentatie mentala grea, nu vor fi decat aceste umbre, ca portiuni in care soarele este doar putin jucaus si se ascunde dupa arbori:)

    1. stiam ca iti va placea, si va fi acel moment etern, al plimbarii noastre pe strazile cu soare jucaus, cu vant de care uneori ne temem, alteori ne face sa radem :-)

  3. this is gorgeous...details? i love these old windows!
