Sunday, 6 April 2014

the world behind the windows, the world that slips from our hands



  1. I love this window and the way you keep it forever alive with your photograph.

    1. the wind was blowing so hard that day that i suspect most petals would have been gone by night...

  2. love the blue light...

    "And everything will be as it was then. All shall be blue around me, and in the midst of the blue my heart will be innocent and free, and will beat gently..."

    ---from a story by Karen B.

    1. this is one of the most powerful longing human heart knows, no?

    2. yes, i think this longing to be all at sea (an "oceanic feeling") is the strongest (after the desire for cinnamon rolls). So, yeah, to be at ease, find the shade..but blue is also the light that doesn't reach us and so maybe there's always a bit of 'unknowingness' that remains and that we want to remain, no?

  3. ce frumoase sunt ele,si ii tin mereu isonul primaverii,spunand ca eu cred ca primavara infloresc ele cu desavarsire, acolo,langa griul lor,langa care,cum mai spuneam candva, orice alta nuanta pare un mister, de o clipa, de o vesnicie.
    case cu ferestre inalte,pentru vosuri marete si adapostite, asa imi vine sa le numesc:)

    1. in curand nu vor mai fi, inlouite toate de acele termopane oribile :-(

  4. A very poetic title.

    The world that slips from our hands...

    If occurs to me that in the absence of a window the dark world behind a wall would also slip from our grimy hands. But perhaps it is the bathos of seeing forbidden (verboten in German--in case you didn't know or that the word was on the tip of the tongue and recalcitrant enough to stay there! ) flashes of another's life (as in Rear Window by your favorite master of suspense) that makes a translucent frame more attractive and scintillating than the stubborn opaqueness of an ugly brown wall--and keep in mind that windows and mirrors are kissing cousins, and we always love to see our reflection in the vain hope of discovering that one thing about ourselves that would provide an ultimate epiphany as to who we really are. Of course this never happens in practice (unless one has been gifted with such an ability--i'm thinking in particular of dwarfs and dictators, but this is a nonexhaustive list).

    1. dwarfs and dictators! haha - most dictators have also been dwarfy, that can't be a coincidence :-)
      but yes, window is a kind of mirror, this is a topic worth thousands of books - one in which our reflection trembles, mingles with that of the exterior world, and is less self-sufficient as it is in a mirror...

      (i think i stole that title from somewhere, i am afraid - hoping that honesty will redeem me :-)
