Monday, 12 May 2014

curtain moods (11)

 photo curtain1_zps91011851.jpg

 photo curtain2_zps6abf80e3.jpg

series by Cristina and me



  1. you two beautiful women make me smile. and then my face becomes very serious. without love like this, without this kind of attention, we are doomed.

    (i was looking at some of cristina's photographs this morning before i went to work and i had a touch of vertigo for i didn't remember going to her blog before but there i was and i saw something familiar there, like a scent or a vague memory. and i was heartened with the mystery and beauty that her photography holds, like each photo is a tiny beating heart in itself.)

    i can never tell the two of you apart:) i think this is an extra romantic element:)


    1. we have a very similar sensitivity, in many things, but i do hope that we can be told apart nevertheless :-)
      i am happy you looked at her photos, they are very good even if she is not that self-confident... she will be happy to know this :-)

      thank you!

    2. of course you can be told apart but there is an enigmatic presence you two seem to share, in terms of photography, yes, and in terms of presence of body. that is more what i meant, who is who inside the photographs themselves. often it seems that rather than being yourselves in the photographs, you represent us all. (in that way then sometimes i should mistake who is inside the photograph even as me, and sometimes, if i think about it, perhaps i do.)

      christina has every right (oh, what on earth might that mean? that is a complicated word, right) to have confidence.)))


    3. thank you, erin. [i dare intrude here.]
      roxana is right, I am happy to know that you liked the photos on my blog.

  2. It's always such a relief to get untangled!

    1. how would you know that?

    2. because i often get tangled up ! (and not just with my words!)


  3. unul dintre superbele momente de singuratate , care numai femeilor li se poate intampla atat de covarsitor,si de incitant, oh,cine,oare,nu ar suspina privind-o?...cine nu ar urma-o in dansul si invitatia ei soptita,niciodata rostita, cine ar putea,ma intreb - si ma retrag in spatele perdelelor

    1. ca intotdeauna, raman uimita si pe ganduri in fata unei imagini care tie iti vine atat de firesc, nu ma gandisem ca superbele momente de singuratate ar fi apanajul femeilor :-)

    2. si eu, ca si Miriam, ma intreb: cine ar putea sa nu suspine si sa nu urmeze un asemenea dans...

  4. a whirling dervish?

    1. who can fulfill every wish, like a golden tiny fish? :-)

    2. especially when cooked, like a tasty dish
