Sunday, 9 June 2013

sad window



  1. Roxana: absolutely stunning!!! The picture.


  2. thank you, b, for sticking around here :-)

  3. oh,draga,este absolut minunata,cat timp as sta eu acolo,in liniste si umbra,iar lumina sa vina filtrata de toate cele,sa vina bland lucrurile la mine,sa le primesc in tacere-si poate ca asa fac acum,cu toata dorinta de a sta intr-unul dintre unghiurile acelea de de frumos,cat

    1. oh, îmi pare rău, nu ştiu ce s-a întâmplat de nu am văzut comentariile, erau mai multe, şi abia acum le-am descoperit şi le-am dat drumul...
      şi mie îmi place mult imaginea asta, cu toată simplitatea ei, este de la Vilnius, foarte veche...

  4. I like to think that you are here, more than anywhere else, in these sad windows. on the other side of them, of course. laughing like a child.

    1. this is very sweet of you... i am very touched.

  5. This was taken in the countryside, in an old house, the viewpoint is that of a child (or the window is very high). Outside, it is grey and muddy, a saddening day. There are gabled roofs outside, seeming to form a small courtyard: perhaps this is a farm house. I am intrigued by what appear to be the sweep of clarity made by a hand having recently wiped some of the obfuscating raindrops away. There is something fascinating happening in the lower left pane, and something even more fascinating happening in the top right (this appears to have an arrow to advert the eye, though I know we can see pattern where there is none). I'm beginning to wonder whether this is looking in or out, though the gut says this looks out from a room that is not now often used. I wonder if this is actually intentional or an artefact of my own viewpoint.

    She saw herself seeing
    And was made grey thinking
    She or the world changed
    By time. But you weren't.

    1. i love this window-reverie that you have unfolded here...

      shall i tell you the truth, now? :-) (though this particular truth is of no importance here)

  6. s-a intamplat ceva,nu stiu ce,am scris aici acum cateva zile,si mi se pare straniu sa incerc sa prind acele cuvinte din timp,e ca si cand ar fi statice,precum aceasta minunata fereastra din timp,desi se intrevede acolo posibilitatea de a fi oricand redeschisa...
