Tuesday, 18 June 2013

windows in the City of Dreams



  1. ma duce cu gandul la orasele invizibile,stii,acelea din marile calatoriilor,despre care ne intrebam daca exista sau sunt doar in noi.si,ca intotdeauna,se pun acele intrebari despre cei care lasa o fereastra sa lumineze noaptea,impungand intunericulcu misterul unui gand viu.si ce interesanta este textura,pare de os,nu,un os fosforescent in tacerea maiestuoasa:)

    1. cred că textura este dată de vălul de ploaie, amestecat cu cel al nopţii...

  2. i know this is Vienna (it says so, duh).

    But Last Year at Marienbad ( Nymphenburg Palace, of course) entered my head with the vehemence of a bee sting.

    1. so i must go to Marienbad! though for magicians who have the strength of switching between reality and fantasy on a whim, that would hardly be necessary :-)

    2. and i am just reading now about how Kafka spent two weeks with Felice (his fiancee) in Marienbad, and how he later came to say that this was the happiest period of his life!

  3. These resonate. The hinted colour in the grey. Port or starboard, lighthouse or moonlight on jagged rocks. The lens shakes. From the lifeboat, the ship submerging, this view.

    That is to say this is one of your better architectural projections. Not up to your pastel windows, IMO.

    1. it was night, and it was raining, and i took these from my hotel window :-)
